Anna Granat-Janki
November 3, 2022 3:44 pmAnna Granat-Janki, professor of the Karol Lipiński Academy of Music, doctor habilitated, is since 2006 head of the Unit of Silesian Musical Culture History and since 2010 head of the Chair of Music Theory and Silesian Musical Culture History of the Karol Lipiński Academy of Music in Wrocław. In 1992 she was granted the scientific title of Doctor of Philosophy in Musicology by the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, and in 2006 the title of Doctor Habilitated in Music Art (Music Theory) by the Cracow Academy of Music. Her scientific interests focus on the history and theory of 20th century music, works of 20th century Polish composers, with a special emphasis on Aleksander Tansman and Wrocław-based composers, and the history of music culture in the post-war Wrocław. She has participated in a number of scientific conferences at home (Bydgoszcz, Gdańsk, Katowice, Kraków, Łódź, Poznań, Wrocław, Zielona Góra) and abroad (Paris, Los Angeles). She has written two books: Forma w twórczości instrumentalnej Aleksandra Tansmana [Form in the instrumental works by Aleksander Tansman] and Twórczość kompozytorów wrocławskich w latach 1945-2000 [The works of Wrocław composers in the years 1945-2000], numerous articles, e.g.: Les changements de style d’Alexandre Tansman dans sa musique instrumentale, Tradition and Modernity in the Music of Aleksander Tansman, Główne tendencje twórcze we wrocławskim środowisku kompozytorskim w latach 1945-2000 [The principal creative trends among Wrocław composers in the years 1945-2000], and entries in the PWM Music Encyclopaedia and in the Encyclopaedia of Wrocław.
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