Corneliu Dan Georgescu

January 31, 2023 1:52 pm Published by

Corneliu Dan Georgescu (b. 1938) worked from 1962 to 1983 at the Bucharest Institute of Ethnology, where he headed the music department from 1976 to 1980. Since 1987 Georgescu is living in Germany. In 1989 he received a Thyssen Fellowship, after which he worked as a collaborator at the Free University of Berlin till 1994, then at the MGG and KDG encyclopedias.

He developed his scientific research in ethnomusicology and aesthetics (over 100 articles published) parallel to his compositional activity. In the cycles Jocuri (1962-75), Models (1967-73, including the opera Model mioritic), Hommage to Tuculescu (1975-82), Hommage to Piet Mondrian (1980-2003), Atemporal Studies (1980-87), the focus is on the composition as contemplation of a music archetype. This happens mostly in an atemporal music form, which does not want to tell anything but radiates a static calmness resulting from a kind of inner vibration of several musical levels.

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