Cristina Şuteu
October 4, 2022 3:22 pmCristina Şuteu earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Musicology in 2009 and a Master’s Degree in 2011 from Gheorghe Dima Music Academy in Cluj-Napoca. In 2015 she defended her PhD thesis, completed under the supervision of Professor Gabriel Banciu from the above-mentioned institution. She was an Erasmus student (2014-2015) at Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Vienna. In 2016 she published her PhD thesis under the title Critica muzicală: periegeză, exegeză şi hermeneutică [Musical Criticism: Periegesis, Exegesis and Hermeneutics] and edited the volume Florilegiu enescian [Enescian Florilegium] authored by the musicologist Viorel Cosma. During her years of study, she carried out research internships at prestigious libraries in Australia, Italy, England, Austria and Spain. Currently she is an assistant lecturer at Gheorghe Dima Music Academy.
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