Ioan Haplea
October 4, 2022 2:41 pmProfessor Ioan Haplea teaches ethnomusicology at the Gheorghe Dima Music Academy in Cluj-Napoca. His scientific and didactic areas of interest followed two innovative directions in Romanian ethnomusicological research, namely, computers and linguistics, while his specialty in the field of peasant music is the study of folk carols. He co-authored such books as Construcție și deconstrucție în textul muzical popular românesc: Colinda transilvăneană (Construction and Deconstruction in Romanian Folk Music Text: The Transylvanian Carol, 2004); Prelucrări de melodii populare românești (Reworkings of Romanian Folk Tunes, 2 vols., 2005); Folclor muzical din Ținutul Neamțului, (Folk Music from the Neamț Region, 2008); Trio transilvan (Transylvanian Trio, 2009); Despre stil și semnificațiile lui în etnomuzicologie (On Style and Its Significations in Ethnomusicology, 2016), and he edited the volume Traian Mârza: Studii de etnomuzicologie (Traian Mârza: Studies in Ethnomusicology,2007).
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