Ana Szilágyi

February 5, 2024 4:01 pm Published by

Ana Szilágyi studied composition and organ at the National University of Music Bucharest. Between 1997-2002 she was assistant professor at the Transilvania University of Brașov, teaching Musical Forms and Analyses. In 2002 she received the Herder Grant and post graduated music theory and electro-acoustic composition at the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Vienna. At the same university she obtained a PhD with a thesis about Aurel Stroe and the Award of Excellence 2011 for it from the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research, obtaining two years before a PhD at the National University of Music Bucharest. From 2012 until 2013 she was a guest professor at the University of Vienna, at the Institute of Musicology, and between 2013-2022 a docent at Richard Wagner Conservatory Vienna, teaching music theory and piano. Since 2022 she has been an associate professor at the Transilvania University of Brașov, teaching Counterpoint and History of Music.

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