Andreea Stoicescu
April 5, 2023 4:07 pmAndreea Stoicescu is, at present, a PhD Candidate at the Faculty of Philosophy from the University of Bucharest with a thesis in joint supervision (co-tutelle) with the National University of Music Bucharest. Her research is about emotion and aesthetic judgment in musical experience. She is part of the CIVIS project Modernisms in Transit: Dialogues and Crossings (the CIVIS Short Term Mobility Student Week, august 2021, France, Aix-en-Provence) with a presentation entitled Romanian Composition and Choreography at the Beginning of the 20th Century: Between National and European Expressions. Last conference attended: Posthuman Mimesis: Embodiment, Affect, Contagion, hosted by KU Leuven, Husserl Archives Leuven, Belgium, May 20-22, 2021. Last articles published: “Sacred Art Between Tradition and Personal Expression: The Orthodox Icon and Artistical Transgressions of the Canon”, in Diakrisis: Yearbook of Theology and Philosophy (4/2021), “The Concept of ‘Authenticity’ in Musical Interpretation: An Ontological Perspective”, in Artes. Journal of Musicology (22/1, 2020).
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