Dalia Rusu-Persic
September 30, 2022 11:43 amDalia Rusu-Persic is the director of the Library of the George Enescu National University of Arts Iași and doctor in music with the thesis Compozitori ieșeni din a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea în fonduri de bibliotecă și în presa vremii [Iași Composers from the Second Half of the 19th Century in Library Collections and the Press of the Time]. She published the volume Ghid Bibliografic al Revistei Muzica (anii 2000-2012) [Bibliographic Guide of the Magazine Music (2000-2012)], 2013. She was also part of the editorial team for the 155 de ani de învățământ artistic modern la Iași [155 Years of Modern Art Education in Iași], 2015. She has published articles on music criticism in different Romanian cultural magazines, as well as specialized studies indexed on the De Gruyter platform. From 2016 she is a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Universities, Research and Development Institutes and Central University Libraries of Romania, Anelis Plus, in the field of Art and Architecture.
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