Grigore Constantinescu
November 1, 2022 10:29 amGrigore Constantinescu graduated the Bucharest Conservatoire (1956-1962), then received a PHD in Musicology at the „Gheorghe Dima” Music Academy of Cluj-Napoca, in 1976. He was at first contributor to the Musical Edition House (Musicology section – 1962), and chief editor of the MUZICA column (1964). He is one of the most distinguished professors of the National Music University of Bucharest, where he spent more than 50 years, revealing to the students the secrets of music history, musicology, musical performance history or analysis of the vocal drama. His curiosity and working power, accompanied by passion and perseverance, determine the release of a huge number of books (essays, articles or history volumes), unveiling thus a special side of the musicologist who is up to this day animated by a genuine passion for writing regardless of the form it takes: articles in magazines such as Muzica, Flacăra, Melos, Actualitatea Muzicală, Cuvântul, Azi, Cronica Română, Opera International-Paris, or several volumes: Dimitrie Onofrei; Ghid de Operă (Opera Guide); Ghid de balet (Ballet Guide); Cântecul lui Orfeu (The Song of Orpheus); Romantismul în prima jumătate a secolului XIX (Romanticism in the first half of the XIXth century); Istoria operei în date (Opera History: a Chronology); Diversitatea stilistică a melodiei în opera romantică (Stylistic Diversity of the Melody in the Romantic Opera); Matei Socor; Margareta Metaxa, o voce a Operei Române (Margareta Metaxa, a voice of the Romanian Opera); Splendorile operei, dicţionar de teatru liric (Splendours of the Opera – a Dictionary); Madrigal sau Magia Sunetelor (The Madrigal Choir or the Magic of the Sounds); Tudor Ciortea, Oglindirile unei vieţi (Tudor Ciortea, Reflections of a life); Dorin Teodorescu – Imaginile unui destin (Dorin Teodorescu – Images of a destiny); Lecturi cu… muzică (Reading with…music); O călătorie prin istoria muzicii (A Journey through Music History); Fascinaţia dansului (The Fascination of Dance); Giuseppe Verdi, Muzica, nimic mai simplu (Music. Nothing easier); Istoria muzicii în pas de dans (Dancing Music History); Gaetano Donizetti.
He was awarded several distinctions, there are countless readers who appreciate him, and there are many students who keep seeking his advice. There are entire generations of musicians who were influenced by him, and many books who will survive him. At almost 75 years, Grigore Constantinescu continues to live for music, while his existence could be quantified in words with and for music.
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